Pisa, walking tour of the historic center and visit of the famous Tower
Duration: 3 hours
Visiting Pisa, walking through the alleys and streets of the historic center, is like taking a dip in the past of the powerful Maritime Republic.
What do scientists like Fibonacci, Galileo and Pacinotti have in common with the English poets and intellectuals who arrived in Italy during the Grand Tour or with Leopardi and the famous D’Annunzio? The most eclectic and international of the Mediterranean cities: Pisa, a land without borders and timeless.
Our guides will make you relive the history and splendor of the most important monuments of the city: the Piazza dei Miracoli with the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Monumental Cemetery and the famous Leaning Tower; the Renaissance Piazza dei Cavalieri, via di Borgo Stretto with its arcades, the picturesque Piazza delle Vettovaglie, the medieval Torre del Campano and the Lungarni where, next to the ancient churches of the Holy Sepulcher, Santa Maria della Spina and San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno , overlook the most important city buildings: Palazzo Gambacorti, Palazzo Lanfranchi, Palazzo Medici, Palazzo Roncioni, Palazzo Toscanelli, Palazzo Lanfreducci “Alla Giornata”, Palazzo Reale.
Always a destination for merchants, adventurers, artists, scientists and intellectuals, Pisa is still today able to show the ‘marks’ left by the great minds who have frequented it. During the visit we will discover the mathematical harmony of the monuments of the “Piazza dei Miracoli” as Gabriele D’annunzio called it. We will discover the mysteries imprinted in the symbols of its monuments such as the Baptistery, the Campo Santo, the Cathedral and the Tower. We will let ourselves be captivated by the charm of the Lungarni which together with the impressive works of art over the centuries have fascinated intellectuals from all over Europe, on their steps we will discover alleys, buildings, streets and monumental spaces and we will read them with their eyes fascinated by the fusion of science, poetry and art.